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    PEG衍生物 荧光标记 杂环砌块定制 点击化学 磷脂类 光电材料 小分子定制


    作者:乐虎lehu唯一官网 发布时间:2022-07-14 10:27:01 次浏览

    119616-38-5,Sulfo-NHS-Biotin,NHS-SS-Biotin,142439-92-7 NHS-SS-Biotin NHS-SS-Biotin, Succinimidyl-2-(biotinamido)-ethyl-1,3'-dithiopropionate, is an amine-reactive biotinylation reagent that is cleavable when the disulfide (-S-S-) bond is reduced. NHS-SS-Biotin is cell membrane permeable and has a long chain separating the biotin group from the amino-reactive NHS-ester (N-Hydroxysuccinimide ester). The resulting biotinylated protein can then be detected when used in conjunction with streptavidin.  It is possible to cleave the biotin group from the crosslinked target protein under reducing conditions, such as in the presence of beta-mercaptoethanol (BME), TCEP-HCl or DTT. This technique is often used to purify an antibody or other protein from a biotin specific affinity resin like Immobilized Streptavidin without exposing your protein of interest to denaturing conditions. Molecular Weight: 504.65  Spacer Length: 24.3 Å  CAS Number:142439-92-7  Alternate Names: Biotin disulfide N-Hydroxysuccinimide ester; NHS SS Biotin  结构式: Sulfo-NHS-Biotin Sulfo-NHS-Biotin (Sulfosuccinimidyl biotin) is a water soluble biotinylation reagent used in Biotin-Streptavidin binding reactions. It is amine reactive and has a spacer arm length of 13.5 Å. The Sulfo-NHS-Biotin biotinylation reagent is ideal for biotinylating antibody or protein that can then be used for protein detection or immobilization when used in conjunction with streptavidin and Immobilized Streptavidin. Sulfo-NHS-Biotin is particularly useful for targeting cell surface proteins in Streptavidin-Biotin assays. The water insoluble version of Sulfo-NHS-Biotin is NHS-Biotin.  Sulfo-NHS-Biotin and the "long chain" Sulfo-NHS-LC-Biotin both have the same chemical functionality, but the latter will provide a longer spacer arm more capable of overcoming steric hindrances that may be present between the labeled protein(s) and streptavidin (ProteoChem product # e7105-5mg). Often, the best results are determined by empirically testing each reagent for your specific application. Molecular Weight: 443.4  Spacer Length: 13.5 Å  CAS Number:119616-38-5  Alternative Names: Biotin-NHS, Water-Soluble; Biotin 3-sulfo-N-hydroxysuccinimide ester sodium salt; Sulfosuccinimidobiotin; Sulfo NHS Biotin; Sulfosuccinimidyl biotin; N-hydroxysulfosuccinimidyl biotin; N-hydroxysulfosuccinimido biotin  结构式; NHS-Biotin NHS-Biotin (Succinimidyl Biotin; Succinimidobiotin) is a primary amine reactive biotinylation reagent used in Biotin-Streptavidin binding reactions. The NHS-Biotin molecule is cell membrane permeable and can be used to covalently label intracellular proteins and is often used in protein detection when used in conjunction with streptavidin and Immobilized Streptavidin for various Biotin-Streptavidin binding assays. The water soluble version of NHS-Biotin is Sulfo-NHS-Biotin. Molecular Weight: 341.38  Spacer Length: 13.5 Å  CAS Number:35013-72-0  Alternative Names: Succinimidobiotin; Biotin-OSU; Biotinyl-N-hydroxysuccinimide ester; Biotin N-hydroxysuccinimide ester; (+)-Biotin N-succinimidyl ester; NHS Biotin; succinimidiylbiotin; N-hydroxysuccinimide biotin; hydroxysuccinimide biotin; succinimidylbiotin; Biotin NHS; Biotin-NHS; N-Hydroxysuccinimidyl biotin; N-Hydroxysuccinimido biotin  结构式: NHS-LC-Biotin NHS-LC-Biotin, Succinimidyl 6-(biotinamido)hexanoate, is an amino-reactive biotinylation reagent with a long spacer arm. The 6-atom spacer arm of NHS-LC-Biotin provides distance between the biotin and the target ligand which helps alleviate steric hindrance. NHS-LC-Biotin is used to biotinylate proteins, peptides, or amino acids by reacting with primary amines as found in the N-terminus and Lysine side chains. The NHS-LC-Biotin molecule is cell membrane permeable and can be used to label intracellular proteins; whereas Sulfo-NHS-LC-Biotin is designed to biotinylate extracellular proteins. The resulting biotinylated protein can then be detected when used in conjunction with streptavidin and Immobilized Streptavidin. Molecular Weight: 454.54  Spacer Length: 22.4 Å  CAS Number:72040-63-2 (Alternative CAS 1219212-66-4 Biotin-X-NHS)  Chemical Formula: C20H30N4O6S  Alternative Names: Biotin-X-NHS; (+)-Biotinamidocaproate N-hydroxysuccinimidyl ester; Biotinamidocaproate N-hydroxysuccinimidyl ester; succinimidyl biotinamido hexanoate; NHS LC Biotin; succinimidyl biotinamidyl hexanoate; succinimidyl biotinamido hexanoate; long chain NHS Biotin  结构式: 119616-38-5,Sulfo-NHS-Biotin,NHS-SS-Biotin,142439-92-7 乐虎lehu唯一官网是国内生命科学和生物技术领域试剂供应商,从成立初期就致力于为生命科学和生物技术领域提供优质产品和技术服务,力求将的产品和服务奉献给我们的客户。目前主要产品有:合成磷脂、血清、高分子聚乙二醇衍生物、嵌段共聚物、磁性纳米颗粒、纳米金及纳米金棒、近红外荧光染料、活性荧光染料、荧光标记的葡聚糖BSA和链霉亲和素、蛋白交联剂、小分子PEG衍生物、点计化学产品、树枝状聚合物、环糊精衍生物、热门肿瘤原料药、大环配体类、荧光量子点、透明质酸衍生物、石墨烯或氧化石墨烯、碳纳米管、富勒烯等等,可以满足从毫克级到公斤级的定制需求。我们非常乐于倾听您的需求,并一如既往地继续为您提供优质的产品和服务。 公司:乐虎lehu唯一官网 : : 销售: 销售: 其它点击类试剂: 其他交联剂产品列表: SMCC,CAS:64987-85-5 Sulfo-SMCC,CAS:92921-24-9 Sulfo-SANPAH,CAS:102568-43-4 SMPH PDPH Sulfo-MBS LC-SPDP Sulfo-LC-SPDP MBS,CAS:58626-38-3 SPDP,CAS:68181-17-9 SIA,CAS:39028-27-8 SBA,CAS:42014-51-7 SMPB,CAS:79886-55-8 BMPS,CAS:55750-62-4 EMCS,CAS:55750-63-5 GMBS,CAS:80307-12-6 ANB-NOS,CAS:60117-35-3 BS3,CAS:82436-77-9 DSS,CAS:68528-80-3 DSG,CAS:79642-50-5 DSP,CAS:57757-57-0 DTSSP,CAS:81069-02-5 Sulfo-EGS,CAS:167410-92-6 EGS,CAS:70539-42-3 DST,CAS:62069-75-4 Sulfo-NHS,CAS:106627-54-7 Sulfo-NHS-Acetate,CAS:152305-87-8 Sulfo-NHS-Biotin,CAS:119616-38-5 NHS-Biotin,CAS:35013-72-0 Sulfo-NHS-LC-Biotin,CAS:127062-22-0 NHS-LC-Biotin,CAS:72040-63-2 Sulfo-NHS-SS-Biotin,CAS:325143-98-4 NHS-SS-Biotin,CAS:142439-92-7 Biotin Hydrazide,CAS:66640-86-6 Biotin-HPDP,CAS:129179-83-5 Iodoacetyl-LC-Biotin,CAS:93285-75-7 92-7