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作者:乐虎lehu唯一官网 发布时间:2022-07-08 13:37:01 次浏览

DSPE-PEG-NHS/MAL/COOH/NH2/Biotin详细产品信息   乐虎lehu唯一官网是国内的磷脂供应商,在磷脂种类里面,我公司经营的PEG磷脂种类为齐全,技术为全面。  乐虎lehu唯一官网从产品种类及技术特点方面可以提供十分广泛的PEG磷脂产品,这些产品均产于乐虎lehu唯一官网实验室。 1:常规基团 DSPE-PEG-X (常规基团NH2/MAL/COOH) 2:荧光基团 DSPE-PEG-X (荧光基团FITC/RB/CY3/CY5/NBD/6-FAM/6-TAMRA) 3:靶向分子  DSPE-PEG-X (靶向分子 Folate/Galactose/RGD/Chol/Chitosan/Dextran) 4:点击化学  DSPE-PEG-X (点击化学 N3/DBCO/Tetrazine/TCO/Alkyne) 5:聚合物类 DSPE-PEG-X (聚合物类PCL/PLGA/PLA/PEI/PAMAM) 6:纳米材料 DSPE-PEG-Au  我们能提供纳米金粒径为10-100nm产品(纳米金/棒) 7:小分子PEG类 DSPE-PEG(2-12)-X (PEG的个数从2-12个不等,单分散的PEG磷脂) 8:双硫键产品 DSPE-SS-PEG-X 9:磷脂+活性基团  DSPE-NHS DSPE-MAL 以上DSPE还可以替换成DPPE/DOPE/DMPE/DLPE,PEG分子量550-10000不等。 产品名称:DSPE-PEG2000-MAL 中文名称:二棕榈酰磷脂酰乙醇胺-聚乙二醇-马来酰亚胺 英文全称:1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-[maleimide(polyethyleneglycol)] 产品外观:白色粉末 分子式:C139H271N4O57P 溶解度:>10mg/mL in hot water, chloroform, ethanol PEG分子量:2000 整体分子量:2900 结构式: 产品纯度:97% 产品包装:100mg 价格:3600元 保存条件:-20℃ 保存时间:1年 产品用途:用于链接带有巯基HS的蛋白、多肽、抗体或其他分子 生产厂家:美国nanocs 产品描述: DSPE-PEG-maleimide (DSPE-PEG-MAL) is alinear heterobifunctional PEGylation reagent with a DSPE phospholipid and amaleimide. It is a useful self-assembling reagent to prepare PEGylated liposomeor micelle while also providing a thiol or cysteine reactive maleimide group.It is often used in targeted drug delivery with the lipid bilayer to improvedrug solubility, the PEG to provide stealth property, extend circulationhalf-life and reduce non-specific protein binding or cell adhesion, and thereactive maleimide to bioconjugate targeting molecules including antibody,aptamer, protein, and peptide. 产品名称:DSPE-PEG2000-NHS 中文名称:二棕榈酰磷脂酰乙醇胺-聚乙二醇-琥珀酰亚胺酯 英文:1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-[succinimidyl(polyethyleneglycol)] 产品外观:白色粉末 分子式:C139H271N4O57P 溶解度:>10mg/mL in hot water, chloroform, DMSO PEG分子量:2000 整体分子量:2900 结构式: 产品纯度:95% 产品包装:100mg 价格:3600元 保存条件:-20℃ 保存时间:1年 产品用途:用于链接带有氨基NH2的蛋白、多肽、抗体或其他分子 生产厂家:美国nanocs 产品描述: 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphoethanolamine(DSPE) conjugated polyethylene glycol with active succinimidyl ester(DSPE-PEG-NHS) is a linear heterobifunctional PEGylation reagent with a DSPEphospholipid and an active ester group. It is a useful self-assembling reagentto prepare PEGylated liposome or micelle while also providing a NHS group forconjugation with amine-containing moieties or ligands. It is often used intargeted drug delivery with the lipid bilayer to improve drug solubility, thePEG to provide stealth property, extend circulation half-life and reducenon-specific protein binding or cell adhesion, and the acid group tobioconjugate targeting molecules including antibody, aptamer, protein, andpeptide. 产品名称:DSPE-PEG2000-NH2 中文名称:二棕榈酰磷脂酰乙醇胺-聚乙二醇-氨基 英文:1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-[amino(polyethyleneglycol)] 产品外观:白色粉末 分子式: C132H266N3O54P 溶解度:>10mg/mL in hot water, chloroform, DMSO PEG分子量:2000 整体分子量:2800 结构式: 产品纯度:93% 产品包装:100mg 价格:2800元 保存条件:-20℃ 保存时间:1年 产品用途:用于链接带有羧基COOH的蛋白、多肽、抗体或其他分子 生产厂家:美国nanocs   产品描述: 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphoethanolamine(DSPE)-polyethylene glycol-amine (DSPE-PEG-Amine, DSPE-PEG-NH2) is a linearheterobifunctional PEGylation reagent with a DSPE phospholipid and an amine.DSPE-PEG-NH2 is used to modify liposome surface with biomolecules containingamine reactive groups (NHS, thiolate). It is a useful self-assembling reagentto prepare grafted or PEGylated liposome or micelle while also providing anamine group for bioconjugation. It is often used in targeted drug delivery withthe lipid bilayer to improve drug solubility, the PEG to provide stealthproperty, extend circulation half-life and reduce non-specific protein bindingor cell adhesion, and the amine group to bioconjugate targeting moleculesincluding antibody, aptamer, protein, and peptide.   产品名称:DSPE-PEG2000-COOH 中文名称:二棕榈酰磷脂酰乙醇胺-聚乙二醇-羧基 英文:1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-PEG-carboxylicacid 产品外观:白色粉末 分子式:C134H267N2O57P 溶解度:>10mg/mL in hot water, chloroform, DMSO PEG分子量:2000 整体分子量:2900 结构式: 产品纯度:98% 产品包装:100mg 价格:3600元 保存条件:-20℃ 保存时间:1年 产品用途:用于链接带有氨基NH2的蛋白、多肽、抗体或其他分子 生产厂家:美国nanocs   产品描述: 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-PEG-succinicacid (DSPE-PEG-COOH), (or N-succinyl-L-α-phosphatidylethanolamine,Distearoyl)   is a DSPE-PEG conjugatewith carboxylic acid group at the end of PEG. DSPE-PEG-COOH is used to preparelong-circulating liposomes with free -COOH on the liposome surface for furthermodification. It is extensively used for targeted drug/gene delivery. 产品名称:DSPE-PEG2000-Biotin 中文名称:二棕榈酰磷脂酰乙醇胺-聚乙二醇-生物素 英文:1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-[biotinyl(polyethyleneglycol)] 产品外观:白色粉末 分子式:C142H280N5O56PS 溶解度:>5mg/mL in hot water, chloroform, DMSO PEG分子量:2000 整体分子量:3050 结构式: 产品纯度:96% 产品包装:100mg 价格:3600元 保存条件:-20℃ 保存时间:1年 产品用途:用于链接带有链霉亲和素或其他的基团的分子 生产厂家:美国nanocs 产品描述: DSPE-PEG-Biotin (DSPE-PEG-BIO) is a linearheterobifunctional PEGylation reagent with a DSPE phospholipid and a biotin. Itis a useful self-assembling reagent to prepare grafted or PEGylated liposome ormicelle while also providing an biotin group for binding to avidin orstreptavidin. It is often used in targeted drug deliverywith the lipid bilayer to improve drug solubility, the PEG to provide stealthproperty, extend circulation half-life and reduce non-specific protein bindingor cell adhesion, and the biotin group to non-covalently bind to targetingmolecules including antibody, aptamer, protein, and peptide.   产品名称:DSPE-PEG2000-FA(Folate) 中文名称:二棕榈酰磷脂酰乙醇胺-聚乙二醇-叶酸 英文:1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-[folate(polyethyleneglycol)] 产品外观:淡黄色粉末 溶解度:>5mg/mL in hot water, chloroform, DMSO PEG分子量:2000 整体分子量:3200 结构式: 产品纯度:90% 产品包装:50mg 价格:4250元 保存条件:-20℃ 保存时间:1年 产品用途:用于肿瘤主动靶向 生产厂家:美国nanocs 产品描述: DSPE-PEG-Folate (DSPE-PEG-FOL) conjugate,which can be incorporated into liposomes as a targeting ligand. Folatereceptors are cellular surface markers for numerous solid tumors and myeloidleukemias. Folate targeted drug delivery has emergedas an alternative therapy for the treatment and imaging of many cancers andinflammatory diseases. Due to its small molecular size and high bindingaffinity for cell surface folate receptors (FR), folate conjugates have theability to deliver a variety of molecular complexes to pathologic cells withoutcausing harm to normal tissues. Complexes that have been successfully deliveredto FR expressing cells, to date, include protein toxins, immune stimulants,chemotherapeutic agents, liposomes, nanoparticles, and imaging agents. Thisreview will summarize the applications of folic acid as a targeting ligand andhighlight the various methods being developed for delivery of therapeutic andimaging agents to FR-expressing cells. 产品名称:DSPE-PEG2000-N3(Azide) 中文名称:二棕榈酰磷脂酰乙醇胺-聚乙二醇-叠氮 英文:1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-[azido(polyethyleneglycol)] 产品外观:白色粉末 分子式:C132H264N5O54P 溶解度:>10mg/mL in hot water, chloroform, DMSO PEG分子量:2000 整体分子量:2800 结构式: 产品纯度:95% 产品包装:100mg 价格:3600元 保存条件:-20℃ 保存时间:1年 产品用途:用于链接带有ALK或其他的基团的分子 生产厂家:美国nanocs   产品描述: DSPE-PEG-azide (DSPE-PEG-N3) is lipid-PEGconjugate with terminated azide. NSP azide PEG DSPE products can be used toprepare pegylated liposome using Click Chemistry. Azide reacts readily withalkyne or cycloocytne in aqueous solution with or without copper catalyst. PEG conjugated1,2-Distearoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphoethanolamine (DSPE), DSPE-PEG is aphospholipid PEG conjugate which has both hydrophilicity and hydrophobility.Pegylated phospholipids are excellent liposome formation materials that can beused for drug delivery, gene transfection and vaccine delivery as well.Pegylation of phospholipids significantly improves the blood circulation timeand stability for encapsulated drugs. These materials can also be used fortargeted drug delivery by modifying their surfaces with targeting ligands suchas antibodies, peptides. 产品名称:DSPE-PEG2000-OH(Hydroxyl) 中文名称:二棕榈酰磷脂酰乙醇胺-聚乙二醇-羟基 英文:1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-poly(ethyleneglycol)-Hydroxyl 产品外观:白色粉末 溶解度:>10mg/mL in hot water, chloroform, DMSO PEG分子量:2000 整体分子量:2800 PEG分子量可选:350/550/750/1000/2000/3400/5000/10000 结构式: 产品纯度:95% 产品包装:500mg/1g 价格:3200元/4800元 保存条件:-20℃ 保存时间:1年 产品用途:用于链接带有ALK或其他的基团的分子 生产厂家:乐虎lehu唯一官网   产品描述: 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphoethanolamine(DSPE) conjugated Polyethylene Glycol (DSPE-PEG-OH),  is a phospholipid PEG conjugate which hasboth hydrophilicity and hydrophobility. Pegylated phospholipids are excellentliposome formation materials that can be used for drug delivery, genetransfection and vaccine delivery as well. Pegylation of phospholipidssignificantly improves the blood circulation time and stability forencapsulated drugs. These materials can also be used for targeted drug deliveryby modifying their surfaces with targeting ligands such as antibodies,peptides.     产品名称:DSPE-PEG2000-SH(Thiol) 中文名称:二棕榈酰磷脂酰乙醇胺-聚乙二醇-巯基 英文:1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-(polyethyleneglycol)-thiol 产品外观:白色粉末 溶解度:>10mg/mL in hot water, chloroform, DMSO PEG分子量:2000 整体分子量:2900 PEG分子量可选:350/550/750/1000/2000/3400/5000/10000 结构式: 产品纯度:95% 产品包装:500mg/1g 价格:3200元/4800元 保存条件:-20℃ 保存时间:1年 产品用途:用于链接带有MAL马来酰亚胺或其他的基团的分子 生产厂家:乐虎lehu唯一官网   产品描述: DSPE-PEG-SH is a linear heterobifunctionalPEGylation reagent with a DSPE phospholipid and a thiol group. It is a usefulself-assembling reagent to prepare PEGylated liposome or micelle while alsoproviding a thiol group for conjugation with thiol-containing molecules. It isoften used in targeted drug delivery with the lipid bilayer to improve drugsolubility, the PEG to provide stealth property, extend circulation half-lifeand reduce non-specific protein binding or cell adhesion, and the acid group tobioconjugate targeting molecules including antibody, aptamer, protein, andpeptide.     产品名称:DSPE-PEG2000-Silane 中文名称:二棕榈酰磷脂酰乙醇胺-聚乙二醇-硅烷基 英文:1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-(polyethyleneglycol)-Silane 产品外观:白色粉末 溶解度:>10mg/mL in hot water, chloroform, DMSO 结构式: PEG分子量:2000 整体分子量:3000 PEG分子量可选:350/550/750/1000/2000/3400/5000/10000 产品纯度:95% 产品包装:500mg/1g 价格:3600元/5200元 保存条件:-20℃ 保存时间:1年 生产厂家:乐虎lehu唯一官网     产品名称:DSPE-PEG2000-Alkyne 中文名称:二棕榈酰磷脂酰乙醇胺-聚乙二醇-炔基 英文:1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-(polyethyleneglycol)-Alkyne 产品外观:白色粉末 溶解度:>10mg/mL in hot water, chloroform, DMSO PEG分子量:2000 整体分子量:2800 PEG分子量可选:350/550/750/1000/2000/3400/5000/10000 产品纯度:95% 产品包装:500mg/1g 价格:3200元/4800元 保存条件:-20℃ 保存时间:1年 生产厂家:乐虎lehu唯一官网 产品名称:DSPE-PEG2000-CHO 中文名称:二棕榈酰磷脂酰乙醇胺-聚乙二醇-醛基 英文:1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-(polyethyleneglycol)-CHO 产品外观:白色粉末 溶解度:>10mg/mL in hot water, chloroform, DMSO PEG分子量:2000 整体分子量:2800 PEG分子量可选:350/550/750/1000/2000/3400/5000/10000 结构式: 产品纯度:95% 产品包装:500mg/1g 价格:3200元/4800元 保存条件:-20℃ 保存时间:1年 生产厂家:乐虎lehu唯一官网   产品描述: DSPE-PEG-CHO is a linear heterobifunctionalPEGylation reagent with a DSPE phospholipid and a CHO group. It is a usefulself-assembling reagent to prepare PEGylated liposome or micelle while alsoproviding a CHO group for conjugation with thiol-containing molecules. It isoften used in targeted drug delivery with the lipid bilayer to improve drugsolubility, the PEG to provide stealth property, extend circulation half-lifeand reduce non-specific protein binding or cell adhesion, and the acid group tobioconjugate targeting molecules including antibody, aptamer, protein, andpeptide. 产品名称:DSPE-PEG2000-NPC 中文名称:二棕榈酰磷脂酰乙醇胺-聚乙二醇-NPC 英文:1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-(polyethyleneglycol)-NPC 产品外观:白色粉末 溶解度:>10mg/mL in hot water, chloroform, DMSO PEG分子量:2000 整体分子量:2800 PEG分子量可选:350/550/750/1000/2000/3400/5000/10000 结构式: 产品纯度:95% 产品包装:500mg/1g 价格:3800元/5500元 保存条件:-20℃ 保存时间:1年 生产厂家:乐虎lehu唯一官网   产品描述: DSPE-PEG2000-NPCis a linearheterobifunctional PEGylation reagent with a DSPE phospholipid and a NPC group.It is a useful self-assembling reagent to prepare PEGylated liposome or micellewhile also providing a NPC group for conjugation with thiol-containingmolecules. It is often used in targeted drug delivery with the lipid bilayer toimprove drug solubility, the PEG to provide stealth property, extendcirculation half-life and reduce non-specific protein binding or cell adhesion,and the acid group to bioconjugate targeting molecules including antibody,aptamer, protein, and peptide. 产品名称:DSPE-PEG2000-PDP/DSPE-PEG2000-OPSS 中文名称:二棕榈酰磷脂酰乙醇胺-聚乙二醇-PDP 英文:1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-(polyethyleneglycol)-PDP 产品外观:白色粉末 溶解度:>10mg/mL in hot water, chloroform, DMSO PEG分子量:2000 整体分子量:3000 PEG分子量可选:350/550/750/1000/2000/3400/5000/10000 结构式: 产品纯度:95% 产品包装:500mg/1g 价格:3800元/5500元 保存条件:-20℃ 保存时间:1年 生产厂家:乐虎lehu唯一官网   产品描述: DSPE-PEG2000-PDP is a linear heterobifunctionalPEGylation reagent with a DSPE phospholipid and a PDP group. It is a usefulself-assembling reagent to prepare PEGylated liposome or micelle while alsoproviding a PDP group for conjugation with thiol-containing molecules. It isoften used in targeted drug delivery with the lipid bilayer to improve drugsolubility, the PEG to provide stealth property, extend circulation half-lifeand reduce non-specific protein binding or cell adhesion, and the acid group tobioconjugate targeting molecules including antibody, aptamer, protein, andpeptide.     产品名称:DSPE-PEG-ACA/ DSPE-PEG-Acrylamide 中文名称:二棕榈酰磷脂酰乙醇胺-聚乙二醇-丙烯酰胺 英文:1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-(polyethyleneglycol)-ACA 产品外观:白色粉末 溶解度:>10mg/mL in hot water, chloroform, DMSO PEG分子量:2000 整体分子量:3000 PEG分子量可选:350/550/750/1000/2000/3400/5000/10000 结构式: 产品纯度:95% 产品包装:500mg/1g 价格:3800元/5500元 保存条件:-20℃ 保存时间:1年 生产厂家:乐虎lehu唯一官网   产品描述: DSPE-PEG2000-ACA is a linearheterobifunctional PEGylation reagent with a DSPE phospholipid and a ACA group.It is a useful self-assembling reagent to prepare PEGylated liposome or micellewhile also providing a ACA group for conjugation with thiol-containing molecules.It is often used in targeted drug delivery with the lipid bilayer to improvedrug solubility, the PEG to provide stealth property, extend circulationhalf-life and reduce non-specific protein binding or cell adhesion, and theacid group to bioconjugate targeting molecules including antibody, aptamer,protein, and peptide.   产品名称:DSPE-PEG-AC/ DSPE-PEG-Acrylate 中文名称:二棕榈酰磷脂酰乙醇胺-聚乙二醇-AC 英文:1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-(polyethyleneglycol)-AC 产品外观:白色粉末 溶解度:>10mg/mL in hot water, chloroform, DMSO PEG分子量:2000 整体分子量:3000 PEG分子量可选:350/550/750/1000/2000/3400/5000/10000 结构式: 产品纯度:95% 产品包装:500mg/1g 价格:3800元/5500元 保存条件:-20℃ 保存时间:1年 生产厂家:乐虎lehu唯一官网   产品描述: DSPE-PEG2000-AC is a linearheterobifunctional PEGylation reagent with a DSPE phospholipid and a AC group.It is a useful self-assembling reagent to prepare PEGylated liposome or micellewhile also providing a AC group for conjugation with thiol-containingmolecules. It is often used in targeted drug delivery with the lipid bilayer toimprove drug solubility, the PEG to provide stealth property, extendcirculation half-life and reduce non-specific protein binding or cell adhesion,and the acid group to bioconjugate targeting molecules including antibody,aptamer, protein, and peptide. 产品名称:DSPE-PEG(2000)-TMS 中文名称:二棕榈酰磷脂酰乙醇胺-聚乙二醇-TMS 英文:1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-(polyethyleneglycol)-TMS 产品外观:白色粉末 溶解度:>10mg/mL in hot water, chloroform, DMSO PEG分子量:2000 整体分子量:3160 结构式: 产品纯度:95% 产品包装:10mg/20mg 保存条件:-20℃ 保存时间:1年 生产厂家:avanti 产品名称:DSPE-PEG-VS 英文:1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-(polyethyleneglycol)-VS 产品外观:白色粉末 溶解度:>10mg/mL in hot water, chloroform, DMSO PEG分子量:2000 整体分子量:3000 PEG分子量可选:350/550/750/1000/2000/3400/5000/10000 结构式: 产品纯度:95% 产品包装:500mg/1g 价格:3800元/5500元 保存条件:-20℃ 保存时间:1年 生产厂家:乐虎lehu唯一官网   产品描述: DSPE-PEG-Vinylsulfone (DSPE-PEG-VS) is alinear heterobifunctional PEGylation reagent with a DSPE phospholipid and abiotin. It is a useful self-assembling reagent to prepare grafted or PEGylatedliposome or micelle which has functional vinylsulfone on the surface that canreact with thiol-containing peptides or antibodies. It is often used intargeted drug delivery with the lipid bilayer to improve drug solubility, thePEG to provide stealth property, extend circulation half-life and reducenon-specific protein binding or cell adhesion, and the VS group to bind totargeting molecules including antibody, aptamer, protein, and peptide.     产品名称:DSPE-PEG-FITC 中文名称:二棕榈酰磷脂酰乙醇胺-聚乙二醇-荧光素 英文:1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-(polyethyleneglycol)-FITC 产品外观:黄色粉末 溶解度:>10mg/mL in hot water, chloroform, DMSO PEG分子量:2000 整体分子量:3000 PEG分子量可选:350/550/750/1000/2000/3400/5000/10000 结构式: 产品纯度:95% 产品包装:100mg/500mg 价格:2800元/5800元 保存条件:-20℃ 保存时间:1年 生产厂家:乐虎lehu唯一官网   产品描述: 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphoethanolamine(DSPE)-polyethylene glycol with conjugated fluorescein (DSPE-PEG-FITC) is anamphiphilic polymer. Pegylated phospholipids are excellent liposome formationmaterials that can be used for drug delivery, gene transfection and vaccinedelivery as well. Pegylation of phospholipids significantly improves the bloodcirculation time and stability for encapsulated drugs. These materials can alsobe used for targeted drug delivery by modifying their surfaces with targetingligands such as antibodies, peptides. Fluorescein labeled DSPE PEG productsemitted green fluorescence and can be easily detected with fluorescentmicroscopy or spectroscopy.   产品名称:DSPE-PEG-RB/DSPE-PEG-TRITC 中文名称:二棕榈酰磷脂酰乙醇胺-聚乙二醇-罗丹明B 英文:1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-(polyethyleneglycol)-RB 产品外观:红色粉末 溶解度:>10mg/mL in hot water, chloroform, DMSO PEG分子量:2000 整体分子量:3000 PEG分子量可选:350/550/750/1000/2000/3400/5000/10000 结构式: 产品纯度:95% 产品包装:100mg/500mg 价格:3300元/6500元 保存条件:-20℃ 保存时间:1年 生产厂家:乐虎lehu唯一官网   产品描述: 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphoethanolamine(DSPE)-polyethylene glycol with conjugated rhodamine (DSPE-PEG-RhB) is anamphiphilic polymer. Pegylated phospholipids are excellent liposome formationmaterials that can be used for drug delivery, gene transfection and vaccinedelivery as well. Pegylation of phospholipids significantly improves the bloodcirculation time and stability for encapsulated drugs. These materials can alsobe used for targeted drug delivery by modifying their surfaces with targetingligands such as antibodies, peptides. Fluorescein labeled DSPE PEG productsemitted red fluorescence and can be easily detected with fluorescent microscopyor spectroscopy.     产品名称:DSPE-PEG-Cy3 中文名称:二棕榈酰磷脂酰乙醇胺-聚乙二醇-菁染料3 英文:1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-(polyethyleneglycol)-Cy3 产品外观:绿色粉末 溶解度:>10mg/mL in hot water, chloroform, DMSO PEG分子量:2000 整体分子量:3000 PEG分子量可选:350/550/750/1000/2000/3400/5000/10000 结构式:   产品纯度:95% 产品包装:5mg/10mg 价格:2800元/4200元 保存条件:-20℃ 保存时间:1年 生产厂家:乐虎lehu唯一官网   产品描述: 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphoethanolamine(DSPE)-polyethylene glycol with conjugated rhodamine (DSPE-PEG-RhB) is anamphiphilic polymer. Pegylated phospholipids are excellent liposome formationmaterials that can be used for drug delivery, gene transfection and vaccinedelivery as well. Pegylation of phospholipids significantly improves the bloodcirculation time and stability for encapsulated drugs. These materials can alsobe used for targeted drug delivery by modifying their surfaces with targetingligands such as antibodies, peptides. Fluorescein labeled DSPE PEG productsemitted red fluorescence and can be easily detected with fluorescent microscopyor spectroscopy.